I am Bhanu Pratap Biswas

Name: Bhanu Pratap Biswas

Profile: Data Analyst

Email: bhanubiswas98@gmail.com

Phone: +91 9713274216


Data Analyst
  • Python
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Scipy
  • Excel
  • MySQL
Data Visualization
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Power BI
  • Tableau
HTML 80%
CSS 50%
About me

Motivated and detail-oriented Business Intelligence Analyst with expertise in Python, NumPy, Pandas, Power BI, Excel, HTML, CSS. Strong analytical skills combined with effective communication and problem-solving abilities. Committed to delivering accurate and insightful data-driven solutions to drive business growth and improve decision-making processes.

Expertise in Technical Tools: Proficiency in Python, NumPy, pandas,Seaborn,matplotlib, Power BI, Excel, HTML, and CSS underscores your technical capabilities. These tools are essential for data analysis, visualization, and reporting, which are core aspects of business intelligence.

Analytical Skills: Your strong analytical skills demonstrate your ability to dissect complex data sets, identify patterns, trends, and anomalies, and extract meaningful insights from them.

Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for translating technical findings into actionable insights that non-technical stakeholders can understand. Your mention of communication skills suggests your capability to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical teams.

Problem-Solving Abilities: As a business intelligence professional, you'll likely encounter diverse challenges related to data quality, analysis, and visualization. Your problem-solving abilities are critical for overcoming these challenges and delivering accurate solutions.

Decision-Making Improvement: Improving decision-making processes showcases your intention to enhance the quality of decisions made by leveraging data and analytics.

Award & Achievement

Analysing Employee Performance for Hr Analytics Using Python and MySQL

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations are recognizing the crucial role that employee performance plays in their success. HR Analytics has emerged as a powerful tool to gain insights into various aspects of workforce management, and one significant area is the analysis of employee performance. By leveraging Python and MySQL, HR professionals can delve into employee data to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and enhance overall productivity.

Analyzing Spotify and YouTube Songs Using Python & MySQL

In the realm of music streaming and content sharing platforms, understanding user preferences and trends is crucial for both artists and businesses. Analyzing songs on platforms like Spotify and YouTube provides valuable insights into listeners' behaviors and preferences. By utilizing Python and MySQL, we can delve into the data of these platforms to uncover patterns, correlations, and trends related to music consumption.

Food Delivery App Data Analysis

Food delivery app data analysis involves examining the various aspects of a food delivery application's usage, performance, and customer behavior using collected data. This process aims to gain insights that can inform business decisions, enhance user experience, optimize operations, and drive growth. The analysis might cover areas such as order patterns, delivery times, popular cuisines, customer demographics, feedback sentiment, restaurant performance, and more. By analyzing this data, the app's developers and operators can make informed choices to improve the app's functionality, customer satisfaction, and overall success.

Data Analytics and Visualization Virtual Experience Accenture

It sounds like you're interested in a virtual experience related to data analytics and visualization. Virtual experiences can encompass a wide range of activities and opportunities to learn, practice, and engage with the field of data analytics and visualization. Here's what such an experience might involve:

Data Visualisation: Empowering Business with Effective Insights TATA

Data Visualization: Empowering Business with Effective Insights" is likely the title of a workshop, webinar, course, or event that focuses on the importance of data visualization in the business context. The title suggests that the event aims to demonstrate how visualizing data can help businesses gain meaningful insights and make informed decisions.

Kaggle Data Science Community "Notebook Master"

Kaggle is a popular online platform for data science competitions, datasets, and collaboration. A "Notebook Master" could refer to someone who is exceptionally skilled at creating and sharing Jupyter notebooks on Kaggle.They are proficient in performing advanced data analysis using Python and libraries like pandas, numpy, and scikit-learn.visually appealing data visualizations using libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly.


Kaggle Data Science Community All Project:-

Weather Data Analysis

Weather data analysis involves examining and interpreting various meteorological data to gain insights into weather patterns, trends, and phenomena. This type of analysis is crucial for understanding climate change, predicting severe weather events, and making informed decisions in various industries such as agriculture, transportation, energy, and disaster management. Here's a general overview of the steps involved in weather data analysis:

Loan Prediction Analysis

Loan prediction analysis involves using data to predict whether a loan applicant will be approved or denied a loan based on various factors and historical lending patterns. This type of analysis is crucial for banks, financial institutions, and lending platforms to assess the creditworthiness of applicants and make informed lending decisions. Here's a step-by-step overview of the process involved in loan prediction analysis:

Uber Data Analysis

Uber data analysis involves examining various aspects of Uber's operations and ride-sharing services to gain insights into rider behavior, driver performance, market trends, and operational efficiency. Uber generates a vast amount of data from its app, which can be used for various analyses to improve service quality, optimize routes, and enhance the overall user experience. Here's a step-by-step overview of conducting Uber data analysis:

Iris Flower Classification

"Iris Flower Classification" is a classic data science and machine learning problem that involves categorizing iris flowers into different species based on their features. This problem is often used as a beginner's example to understand various concepts in data analysis, machine learning, and classification algorithms.including scikit-learn and Kaggle. The dataset contains measurements of four features (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width) for three different species of iris flowers: Setosa, Versicolor, and Virginica.

Titanic Survival Prediction using Machine Learning

Predicting the survival of passengers aboard the Titanic is another classic data science problem often used to introduce beginners to data analysis, feature engineering, and machine learning techniques. The task involves predicting whether a passenger survived or not based on various attributes such as age, gender, ticket class, fare, and more.

Shark Tank India Data Analysis📈📉

Analyzing Shark Tank India data can provide valuable insights into the startup ecosystem, investor decisions, and entrepreneurial trends in the country. Shark Tank is a reality TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors (sharks) in hopes of securing funding for their ventures. To perform a data analysis on Shark Tank India data.



Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Rewa

B.Sc. Computer Science Computer Science,
Percentage - 80%
Completed in 2022

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU- GKY), Ministry of Rural Development, India

AI - Business Intelligence Analyst
Data Analyst
Power BI
MS Office

Completed 2023


Data Science Intern

Company :- CodeClause
Project :-
1.Loan Prediction
2. Speech Emotion Recognition
3. Uber Data Analysis
4. Image Caption Generator

Data Science Intern

Company :- CodSoft
Project :-